Sunday, November 15, 2015

Trim Reboot

A well-meaning PO had removed the lower boot trim on the car at some juncture in order to repaint.  Unfortunately he or she didn't understand how soft the metal is, which resulted in some damage.

Nothing earth-shattering, mind you, but still of concern.  Both sides had been bashed in the same way, which lent a certain symmetry to the car but little in the way of correctness.

My lucky day arrived when a package from Germany was deposited at my front door by DHL, who actually delivered it on time and without fuss.

New trim pieces.  Lovely.

Getting the old trim off is quite easy as long as you do it carefully. My yellow plastic all-purpose trim tool works very well.

No hammer required, just palm-power.

Once the trim was removed I took the time to notice a couple of paint layers underneath. First was a flat black, which I  have found everywhere on the car. Whether this was a rat-rod paint job or primer to go under the current gold color, I can't say. 

There's even a bit of original Tampico under there!

I replaced, on the flange that holds the trim, the clips that had remained in the old piece, fixing them in the same relative positions. 

It was an easy matter to attach the new trim without any special tool by pushing it into place.

Much better.

As always, a new item tends to show more sharply the defects in the original pieces next to it.

For the other side, the process was repeated except that the photo below was shot within the enclosed garage as Seattle s experiencing a November monsoon.


  1. Looks great !!
    Also...I do not have a manual that shows part numbers. I saw in one of your posts that you have one. Could you tell me the part number for the rubber trunk weather strip ? Thanks

    1. For most common stuff, is a good source for part numbers. In this case the trunk gasket is # 51245776162 and the suggested price a whopping $301!

      However is occasionally wrong, and for these situations the parts books (two volumes) are critical for confirming the correct number. I double checked the above number for the gasket and it is indeed the right one.

    2. Thank you for the info !

      Side note: I was able to located the "snorkel" auf Deutsch: Vorwärmteil.

      My friend in Germany is restoring the part tor me as he owns a car dealership and restores cars in Germany…an excellent friend indeed.

      I have quite a few friends in Germany and I go there usually 5 or 6 times a year for work & fun. On my last trip I was able to get my hands on the float "Schwimmer" from the original Solex 40PDSI Carburetor…an early Christmas present !!!

      Your blog has been very helpful ! I have gone through many vintage cars over the years but have never touched a BMW….I’m sure I will have MANY more questions….

      Oh…and today I received the original Blaupunkt Frankfurt radio…delicious !


  2. You should join, if you haven't already. And post some pics of your car! They have a forum dedicated to the NK series.

    Isn't it wonderful to have a correct working original Blaupunk Frankfurtt? Puts those modern stereo systems in their place :-)

  3. Yes, I will join for sure. I really enjoying the the little red 67 BMW 2000. It was an Arizona car it's entire life so it is completely rust free.

    The Blaupunkt will be installed after Thanksgiving, just in time for Christmas...and yes, you are correct....pure bliss having the original.

  4. Kit, Thanks for the 2002faq site ! Just joined and posted this:

    I need new rubber for all doors and trunk. It's clearly a pricey endeavor.

  5. Hello

    I am the one who put comment on BaT.
    If you completed the selling process of this car please ignore my comments. If not please consider that I am willing to buy your car. I am living in Vancouver, I can easily come to Victoria to pick up the car.
    Unfortunately I registered in BaT when you have already finished the bidding process.
    I dont want to interfere with selling process. But sometimes auction won't be concluded.


    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. With reference to my previous comment should I assume you sold the car? Could you please let me know that?
